CLI client SSL verify is now on by default. To suppress SSL certificate verification, manually set URL as "!https://..."
State registry keys are not auto backed up any longer
New API method "check_item_access"
fix: recombined ACLs speed tuning
fix: db updates on-exit correct transactions commit/rollback
fix: MQTT auth in setup, check-mqtt
item states can be kept in the crash-free registry
controller PIDs in "test" command (requires master key)
launch pptop directly from eva-shell
new API method "restart_notifier"
stricter MQTT notifier tests, pingers restart notifiers if failed
dump "-m" option to create minimal dumps on large systems
new API method "get_exceptions", allows to get last 100 server exceptions even if they are disable in logs
IEID phantom state - when a remote controller is disconnected, its items have IEIDs [0,0]
fix: correct backups of symlinked directories
fix: PVT backup
fix: "dump" on Python 3.9.5+
Configs and runtime data moved to crash-free YEDB-based registry
Next-generation event replication engine
Python virtual environment directory renamed to "venv"
plugins and custom drivers / extensions moved to "runtime"
InfluxDB v2 support (v1 API via dbrp and v2 API)
TimescaleDB support
"connected" property of the remote items in LM PLC and SFA
UDP Notifiers
LURP event replication protocol
Notifier event buffering
"eva backup restore" now stops / starts all components automatically if runtime folder is restored.
new API method: registry_safe_purge (clears registry trash but keeps broken keys)
"ssl-force-redirect" option for WebAPI (GET methods only)
new feature quick setup/remove: ssl, node_name
filter log records by regex
Plugins API v3: "handle_api_call", "handle_api_call_result" method to intercept API calls
client ids and "get_neighbor_clients" API method (requires EVA JS Framework 0.3.24+)
notifier frame counter and online info with "notifier list" CLI command
Alpine Linux support (3.13+)
OWFS feature installs libow from source if no package exists
Built-in PyPi mirror option to forcibly download sources of all modules
"auto-save" option, auto-save is on by default
"pip_install" function in core scripts automatically appends modules to venv config
item "update_delay" property is returned back
unit actions check value ranges if defined
"randomize" and "increment" auto modify for virtual sensor driver
data puller states, data pullers can be created / destroyed without the controller restart, new API methods "create_datapuller", "destroy_datapuller"
Number type support in "get_modbus_slave_data" API function and "modbus-slave get" CLI commands
customizable default configuration for units and sensors
Discover controllers as static
customizable default configuration for lvars
Locale files can be stored in both "pvt" and "ui"
Custom UI error pages
Deployment error codes explanation
"reboot_controller" special deployment API function
Serving public and private structured data from EVA ICS Registry
Discover controllers as static
deprecated: running EVA ICS controllers under different users
supervisord support is no longer out-of-the-box, however control scripts still accept the corresponding settings (will be removed in 3.5)
<controller>-control scripts are removed. Use "eva <controller>" instead.
mailer configuration unified for all components
removed "nodename" option of eva-shell.ini
RedHat Enterprise Linux 8 is now officially supported
fix: hosts_allow / hosts_assign in JRPC calls
fix: cmd wait delay
fix: allow ACL OID groups without masks
fix: test command don't report number of active threads any more for API keys without "sysfunc" permission
fix: JSON logging
fix: improved stability of controller pools
deprecated: RESTful and direct API, including CS_EVENT_API in Core scripts
1-Wire OWFS libraries are now optional by default
Python 3.9 support
local mirror feature (mirroring EVA ICS repo and PyPi)
packages deployment
"feature setup/remove" - execute common setup tasks with a single command from EVA shell.
"value" field in state and history databases increased to 8192 bytes
cmd API function accepts args as a list
cmd API function accepts STDIN data
xc/cmd moved to runtime
file get/put functions support of binary data
install option "--skip-venv". "--skip-check" no longer skips venv building
deep code audit and tons of bug fixes
- Core scripts:
new event CS_EVENT_SYSTEM (invoked on startup / shutdown)
new event CS_EVENT_RPC (replaces deprecated CS_EVENT_API)
logger object
- Core Plugins API v2, new functions:
"set_user_password" SYS API function now allows logged in users to change their passwords
"list_tokens"/"drop_tokens" API functions
state_history API function can return data for disconnected / deleted items
new argument for state_history: z (time zone)
update with pre-downloaded tarballs
mailer feature available in all controller types (used by core plugins)
"cdata" (custom data) API key field
"file_put" method automatically creates required directories
"shutdown_core" method now executes background shutdown, plus has got an extra option "t" to specify shutdown delay (useful for MQTT API call)
"import_module" function in cloud deployment and device template files
"history" CLI command bar charts output
"watch" CLI command
"slog" CLI command (displays state log)
JSON RPC additionally accepts requests to the root URI (required by some clients), accepts and trying to fix malformed requests
Active Directory credentials caching
user ACL combining
items_deny / groups_deny key ACL properties
Read-only mode for tokens, "set_token_readonly" API function
MQTT notifiers: ping interval to auto-restore connection
MQTT notifiers: subscribe_all option
db notifiers: simple cleaning
signed releases
fix: Modbus/UDP (server) packet processing
fix: Modbus serial custom byte size
fix: update_if_action logic
deprecated: old format of device templates
deprecated: multi-update scripts
deprecated: direct eva.uc.modbus import in Modbus PHIs
deprecated: direct eva.uc.owfs import in OWFS PHIs
data pullers
DriverAPI v10: Modbus and OWFS helper tools
UC API: new function "state_log"
auto_off unit state processor can be cancelled / modified while running
"server cleanup" CLI command (cleans state db)
new device template format (equal to IaC deploy)
default timeout for Modbus / OWFS reduced to 1s to avoid critical events
unit MQTT control / update commands can be sent in JSON
strict device deployment files schema check (new format only)
Modbus virtual port API methods and CLI data types (u16, i16, u32, i32, u64, i64, f64) and bit getters / setters
fix: "out" variable is now correctly set if macro raises an exception
new config option "plc/use_core_pool"
LM API: new function "state_log"
LVar variable logic: normal (default) or simple
SSL, TLS and SMTP auth support for mailer
macro function "cmd": new argument "stdin_data"
macro function "sha256sum"
macro function "get_directory"
decision rules prop "for_prop_bit" to check individual bits
CLI/API option to auto-enable created rules/jobs
CLI: quick creation of rules with no condition
LVar deletion by group ("destroy_lvar" API method and CLI)
Cache remote state for LM PLC items
SFA API: new function "state_log"
PVT serving as /pvt/path/to/file
File uploads
connected controllers in "test" API method ($eva.server_info.connected in EVA JS Framework)
data serve as locale support
cloud deploy: "status" and "value" props in deployment files
cloud deploy: trigger item update after deployment
cloud deploy: module uploads and binary files support
cloud deploy: skip busy drivers/PHIs during undeployment
cloud deploy: skip existing items during deployment (optionally)
cloud deploy: local functions ("sleep", "system")
cloud deploy: local cloud manager API calls and "local" controller section
cloud deploy: file masks in upload-remote
cloud deploy: accepts deployment YAML from STDIN
cloud deploy: custom before/after deploy timeouts
cloud deploy: API keys and local user accounts deployment
strict device deployment files schema check
cloud updates
fix: auth tokens are now always correctly destroyed at logout
new generic extension engine: restarting controller after PHI, LPI & LM PLC Ext module updates is no longer necessary (just load the new module)
"interval" notifier property allows to schedule item state telemetry notifications with the specified time interval.
MS Active Directory authentication support
custom primary log formats (e.g. JSON logs)
extended API logging, ACI (API Call Info) core object, "api_log_get" SYS API function
Core plug-ins
JSON notifiers "list" method to send all data in list format
Added "enable" flag in API and CLI to enable unit actions / sensor updates right after creation.
Driver API 9: PHI & LPI mods config validation, Ethernet/IP client helper
Extension API 7: config validation
supervisor features: API lock/unlock, broadcast messages
SFA templates "get_aci" and "import_module" functions
before/after deploy API calls can be skipped in case of failure
Faster node interconnect protocol (via msgpack)
MQTT inter-connect API encryption strength increased to AES256
Core workers are now async to improve system performance
Controller auto-discovery in local network via UPnP
Core scripts
Fixed PHI update timers
push_phi_state API method
Driver API 8: timeout helper, PHI state push
item "update_delay" property is removed
Fixed cycle timers. As new cycle algorithm has near 100% precision, "avg" is not reported any longer. "value" field in API response is removed as well.
Extension API v6: persistent data storage
Google Cloud IoT Core support
fix: startup timeouts
Rule chill-out logic corrected
First public beta
Core and controller interconnect stability improvements
IOTE cloud support
InfluxDB integration
Prometheus integration
Logging to syslog
Autocompletion files for ZSH
server events
CLI edit command for controller server config
Driver API 7: shared namespaces
Direct use of macro functions (as @function)
rule, job and cycle creation with human readable input
edit ui / edit pvt commands in EVA shell
MQTT server is not required anymore for local host/network installations, controllers can exchange information in real-time via P2P sockets (turned on automatically if MQTT server for controller is not specified).
state_history method can now return chart image (SVG/PNG)
get_phi_ports API method - get ports of loaded PHI
phi_discover API method - search for equipment supported by PHI module
Modbus values reported to UC slave can now be automatically converted to signed and divided (or multiplied).
set_job_prop macro function
cycle can now run macros with args and kwargs
easy-setup now creates default user (operator)
"as" parameter for .json and .yml files changes their format on the flow
JS SFA Framework is now deprecated. Use EVA JS Framework instead:
Driver API 5: "unload" method, unit values in PHIs.
scheduled jobs
evaHI integration
transparent authentication on secondary UI pages
fixes: small fixes in CLI
fixes: code refactoring, performance optimization
EVA ICS now loads 3rd party libraries from virtualenv which increases system stability as only tested version of libraries are used.
Support for AWS IoT
Modbus slave register monitoring functions
increment/decrement functions for lvars and shared macro variables
read-only permissions for API keys
Core, API and CLI performance improvements
fixes: correct backup/restore if configuration folders are symlinks
fixes: correct restore if --runtime flag is specified
fixes: LM PLC locking problems
notifier performance improvements
CLI improvements
private Cloud support (nodes run API calls via MQTT)
automatic node discovery
license changed to Apache License 2.0
new SYS API function: shutdown_core
controller/node autodiscovery
enterprise layout is now default item layout
using item ids in API key properties is not allowed any longer in enterprise layout, item oid (type:group/id) must always be specified
X-Auth-Key header authorization support
JSON notifiers will send JSON RPC 2.0 notifications to the target uri, if method param is set
API session tokens
Database support for MySQL and PostgreSQL
supervisord support
warning: API function set_driver renamed to assign_driver
new API functions: list_device_tpl, set_driver_prop, set_phi_prop
1-Wire OWFS support (virtual buses, PHIs), OWFS API functions
Modbus slave support
Driver API v4
new API functions: enable_controller, disable_controller, matest_controller, set_ext_prop
kwargs in macros (kwargs dict, plus all keyword arguments are available as variables)
set_rule_prop now accepts "condition" and "for_oid"
cycles, cycle control API and macro functions
removed deprecated dm_rule* ACL
removed deprecated get/post functions (use requests.get/post instead)
Extension API v4
new API functions: enable_controller, disable_controller, list_cycles
SFA framework: code optimization, cycle states (warning: some functions are incompatible with previous version, use eva_sfa.3.1.js library or call the functions in new format only, look UPDATE.rst for more info)
SFA framework: data exchange optimization with eva_sfa_state_updates variable
removed deprecated dm_rule* ACL and rule control functions
SFA templates: request now contains full request object
SFA templates: new function api_call (call any SFA API method)
macro "argv" variable (replaced with "args")
PHP API client no longer supported (use JSON RPC)
removed deprecated HTTP/POST and HTTP/GET notifiers
fixes: interactive prompt behavior
fixes: API client libs check result of "phi_test" and "phi_exec" functions
history for interactive shell mode (to turn off set EVA_CLI_DISABLE_HISTORY=1 system environment variable)
new management CLI: eva-shell (interactive by default)
backup/restore operations (with eva-shell)
dynamic API key management via CLI and API
fixes: device commands in enterprise layout
performance improvements
"update" command without params starts item passive update
batch commands in UDP API (separated with new line)
encryption and authentication in UDP API
custom packet handlers in UDP API
new API function: "test_controller", detailed info in "list controllers"
MQTT tools for PHIs
test-phi CLI tool
fixes: double quoted macro arguments in DM rules
fixes: gain param in "tts" and "audio" extensions
"action_toggle" macro func, "toggle" acts as an alias for unit oids
"shared" and "value" macro funcs default return values
new API function: "test_controller", detailed info in "list controllers"
new LPI: usp (unit single port)
test-ext CLI tool
new API function: "test_controller", detailed info in "list controllers"
SFA framework fixes and improvements
UC drivers, device templates, state history, charts and other new features
working with locks now require allow=lock apikey permission
new notifier type: db, used to store item state history
SYS API functions: notifiers, enable_notifier, disable_notifier. the enable/disable API functions change notifier status only temporary, until the controller is restarted
MQTT SSL support
JSON notifiers. GET/POST notifiers are marked as deprecated and should not be used any more.
exec function (cmd, run) string arguments split with ' ' now support the spaces inside (e.g. 'this is "third argument"')
new uc-cmd cli
old uc-cmd renamed to uc-api
UC drivers: logical to physical (LPI) and physical (PHI) interfaces
native Modbus support (drivers only)
device templates
new function "state_history" in UC API
EVA_ITEM_OID var in the environment of UC scripts
action status label (case insensitive) may be used instead of number, if the label is not defined, API returns 404 error
new key permission: "device", allows calling device management functions.
uc-tpl device template validator and generator (alpha)
unit and sensor items now have physical location. If location is specified as coordinates (x:y or x:y:z), loc_x, loc_y and loc_z props become available
UC EI now should be enabled/disabled in uc.ini
new lm-cmd cli
old lm-cmd renamed to lm-api
macro extensions
macro function "unlock" now return false if the lock hasn't been locked or doesn't exist
unlock macro function may throw an exception if the controller forbids its functionality, in case the controller has no master key defined
new functions "state_history" in LM API and "history" (equivalent) in macros
new functions: status, value, nstatus, nvalue with oid support
new DM rule events: on nstatus, nvalue change (for units)
device management functions: "create_device", "update_device", "destroy_device"
"set_rule_prop" macro function
"alias" macro function
rule filter in LM EI
LM EI now should be enabled/disabled in lm.ini
fixes: rule management functions
new sfa-cmd cli
sfa-cmd renamed to sfa-api
new function "state_history" in SFA API and SFA Framework
all functions now accept item oids
"result" function returns the result of macro execution if macro action uuid or macro id (in the oid format) specified
state API function accepts "full" parameter
full SFA states now have item descriptions and status labels (for units)
SFA API groups function now accept "g" parameter to filter group list (with MQTT-style wildcards)
SFA rpvt function to load documents from remote servers
SFA cvars are automatically available in SFA Framework app. Note: SFA cvars are public and may be obtained with any valid API key
SFA Framework is now jQuery 3 compatible, included jQuery lib updated to 3.3.1
SFA Framework item states now also have description and status labels fields
eva_sfa_groups function, returns item groups list (with optional filter)
eva_sfa_chart function, displays item state charts
eva_sfa_popup function, displays popups and info windows
new ws event: server restart and eva_sfa_server_restart_handler in a framework. SFA API function "notify_restart" allows to notify clients about the server restart w/o actual restarting (e.g. when restarting frontend)
jinja2 templates for SFA ui and PVT files (all files with .j2 extension are served as templates). index.j2 has more priority than index.html
new API function call result: "result_invalid_params" (11)
new notifier management CLI (old CLI tools available in legacy folder)
watchdog to test/automatically restart controllers in case of failure
oid support in API keys
other stability improvements
Bugfix release, some new urgent features, stability improvements
EVA documentation is now available in reStructuredText format and at
fixes: correct display of long item names
fixes: various bug fixes
refresh buttons on item pages
LM EI: reset button and expire timer in LM EI show/hide when prop changed
fixes: remove empty controller group when all objects are deleted
fixes: remote items correctly display state in list_remote
fixes: disabled sensors and lvars should not react to expiration
each set_prop call now logs what's actually changed
added item oid (type:group/item_id) - reserved for the future releases
added stop_on_critical option in config (default: yes), server will be restarted via safe-run if critical exception occur
uptime in dump and test API function, last 100 exceptions are now stored in a dump, dumps are now compressed with gzip
API functions now support JSON requests
action_toggle function to quickly toggle status of simple units
list_remote returns array + controller_id property instead of dict
result function in macro api. terminate and result function accept action uuid as a param
on_set lm rule (status changed to 1)
new LM API and macro functions: clear (set lvar value to 0), toggle (toggles lvar value between 0 and 1)
cmd macro function now accepts full controller id (uc/controller_id) as well as short
new macro functions for file management: ls, open_oldest, open_newest
fixes: dm_rule_props acl in SFA
list_remote returns array instead of dict + controller_id property
list_macros contains now controller property
append_controller now tries to autodetect controller type if no type is specified
sfa pvt access logs
reset, toggle, clear, action_toggle, result and terminate by uuid funcs in sfa & sfa framework
reload_clients command and sfa framework reload event handler
eva_sfa_expires_in function in a framework to work with timers
log processing functions in a framework
wildcard masks in eva_sfa_state and eva_sfa_register_update_state - an interactive/automatic script to quickly set up the current host
ability to run controllers under restricted user
Minor release with some urgent features
EVA_ITEM_PARENT_GROUP variable in script ENV which contains the parent group of the item
cvars now can be set as global or assigned to the specified item group i.e. 'VAR1' - global cvar, available to the all scripts, 'group1/VAR2' - variable available only to scripts from group 'group1' (as 'VAR2'), 'group2/VAR2' - variable available only to group 'group2' (also as 'VAR2'). Used by UC scripts to let one script manage different items
'update_delay' prop - item passive update may start with a delay to prevent multiple updates running simultaneously producing high system load
'clone' function in UC API and uc-cmd to clone items
'clone_group' function - clones all matching items in a group
'destroy_group' function destroys all items in the specified group
item id in LM rules match by simple mask (i.e. '*id'* or 'id'* or '*id')
First public release